6 research outputs found

    Crossing the borders of governance

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    La gobernanza es presentada por áreas confusas e indefinidas que tienden a expandirse de una manera más o menos arbitraria en ausencia de estándares normativos estables y confiables. Todo esto pone en cuestión conceptos y categorías monolíticas recompositivas de moderna racionalidad política-legal y en primer lugar de la soberanía. Al mismo tiempo, la estructura neogubernamental actual no se sostiene como una tecnología de poder excluyente o alternativa a otras racionalidades, sino que tiende a llevar a cabo todas las contradicciones y ambigüedades del tiempo presente.Governance is presented by undefined and confused areas that tend to expand in a more or less arbitrary way in the absence of stable and reliable normative standards. All this calls into question concepts and recompositive monolithic categories of modern political-legal rationality and in the first place sovereignty. At the same time the current neo-governmental structure does not stand as a technology of power, exclusionary or alternative to other rationalities, but rather it tends to bring out all the contradictions and ambiguities of the present time

    Inside and outside legality: A pluralistic and social construction of law

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    What is inside and what is outside the law? A question that is not easy to answer and that forces legal theory to ask itself about which are today the forms of normative production and which are the boundaries of law. Through the analysis of the deep transformations of the global legal order and of the issues related to the boundaries of law and to the forms of hybrid legality, the essay offers a pluralist and dynamic interpretation of the social genesis of law.¿Qué es lo que está dentro y lo que está fuera del derecho? Es un dilema difícil de solucionar, que obliga a la teoría jurídica a interrogarse acerca de las actuales formas de producción normativa y de los mismos confines del derecho. A través del análisis de las profundas transformaciones del orden jurídico global y de las problemáticas que atañen a los confines del derecho y a las formas de juridicidad híbrida, este ensayo se presenta como una lectura pluralista y dinámica de la génesis social del derecho

    Le realtà del diritto. Istituzioni, spazi e forme della normatività

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    2016 - 2017The present work aims at reweigh those juridical categories which have been the modern-day object of formative discourses in so far as it acknowledges the current metamorphoses in the realm of political, social and institutional constructions. As a matter of fact, the wide spreading perception of a leap of paradigms in the fixed order and the sequence of ongoing transformations have influenced the contemporary times in such a way as to label these the «liquid modernity». Moreover, far from becoming an exception of this systematic liquidity, today the law is one of the social phenomena with the widest fields of applicability. This is due to its very nature - the deep bond with the social life it should define- that shapes it in response to the social variations. Therefore, today more than ever the comprehension of the very nature of law would mean understanding its progressive shape-shifting features. Such premises ushers the modes of operation- movements rather than positions, the leaps rather than the continuity- on which this work is based. After having briefly traced the main phases of the modern experience, the first chapter rejoins the current historical and political experience and emphasizes its adaptations on a more theoretical level. Clearly, in regard of such study, one of the most interesting theory, among the many advanced in the recent years, is that of Saskia Sassen. Indeed, she applies the three- element-paradigm -territory, authority, rights- as the lamp of her analytical discourse. She claims that as long as their capacity are completely developed in a-some-sort-of heterogeneity, the historical transformations would be but assembling and disassembling the three mentioned elements. Specifically, in reference to the advancement from the national to the global assemblage, the sovereignty itself would developed certain capacity that are the fundamental key in the process of denationalization, as well as in the consequent coexistence of new scales over that of the Modern State. Thereafter the author emphasizes the extended role of the metropolises in mapping political, economic and social geographie... [edited by Author]XXX cicl

    Carl Schmitt y la evolución del "Ius publicum europaeum":interpretación y crítica desde las nuevas epistemologías de las relaciones internacionales

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    En esta tesis se presentan los conceptos fundamentales que articularon el pensamiento político internacional de la Modernidad a partir del surgimiento del Derecho Internacional Clásico (Ius publicum europaeum) en el siglo XVII. Se estudiará la evolución de nociones como soberanía, guerra, paz y equilibrio desde la visión complaciente que Carl Schmitt tuvo de este paradigma político westfaliano, la cual se confrontará con el análisis crítico que han realizado diversos teóricos contemporáneos como Martti Koskenniemi, Benno Teschke, Michel Foucault y Jacques Derrida, entre otros. El objetivo es mostrar la transformación de esas nociones desde la firma de los Tratados de Paz de Westfalia en 1648 hasta su completa disolución en el siglo XX, pasando por sus diferentes etapas de crisis, como la Revolución Francesa o la Conferencia del Congo. Se estudiarán además los nuevos retos que plantea el panorama internacional contemporáneo, como la expansión del terrorismo, las nuevas realidades armamentísticas y los intentos de cooperación y multilateralismo actuales, así como el diagnóstico que Schmitt arrojó sobre ellos. Se intentará dilucidar si queda algún vestigio del Ius publicum europaeum en los desafíos que plantea el siglo XXI o si ese paradigma está completamente clausurado..